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ve, which makes business sense.  In USA, concepts of Work-Life Balance are so cctv singaporeadvance, they even have institutes like Families and Work Institute (FWI). FWI is dedicated to providing objective information on work-life issues and concerns cctv singaporeconfronting workers and employers in order to make informed decisions in government, business, communities, and family concerns groups. Toward this end, FWI conducts its own research studies and supports the field of work-life research by bringing researchers together, sharing information, and cctv singaporecollaborating on projects. Besides this, there are government and community interest groups focusing on different aspects of work-life.   Companies cctv singaporelike PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) declare their vision is to provide “a diverse work world in which our people can pursue their goals in life.” In support of this vision, they have a Worklife Quality, a commitment that extends through every part of PwC. The University of California at Berkeley offers a Catastrophic Leave-Sharing Program to give staff and academic employees a chance to support their colleagues who are facing a major health crisis, whether their own or that of a family member. The program allows employees to provide assistance in the form of cctv singaporedonated vacation leave. It was developed as part of campus efforts to create a caring environment, and because many members of the campus community have expressed a desire to assist their co-workers in this way. Future Direction There is global trend to achieving work-life balance with family friendly policies and other practices and procedures in the workplace which will enables employees to balance cctv singaporethe demands of work with their personal needs and yet fulfilling the bottom line aspirations of organisations. In doing so employees will also fulfill their own material, physical and spiritual aspirations.  The developed countries ranging from USA and Canada to Britain and Australia are progressively introducing work-life balance policies and practices in workplace. With Singapore adopting most of the better business policies and practices, work-life balance will become a necessary cctv singaporestandard in our workplaces.   Human Resources executives and managers who may not have had any training in work life strategies or a limited understanding of the subject have to acquire knowledge and skills so that they can develop practical work life balance solutions which are compatible with the overall business strategy of the organisation and suited to local needs . This learning may include besides reading appropriate literature on the experiences of other organisations and generic text; attending a variety of workshops that will help them develop workable work life balance solutions.  Author’s Resource BoxThis article was contributed by Kamal Kant – a Principal Consultant of Next Transition. Kamal is also a career coach with an interest in career management and career related issues including work-life balance issues.  Article Source:www.1ArticleWorld.comGoing Abroad For Medical Procedures   Author : leslie de lazo Submitted : cctv singapore2010-09-09 02:05:42    Word Count : 544    Popularity:   32 Tags:   plastic surgery India, medical tourism, cosmetic surgery overseas   Author RSS Feed Global healthcare, otherwise referred to as medical tourism, is an industry currently experiencing remarkable growth. Traveling overseas to avail of medical care is now a popular choice. The medical tourism industry is currently churning out $20 billion cctv singaporeevery year. With the growing number of medical tourists, this figure is expected to double in the near future.  Further details on medical tourism  Crossing borders in order to seek medical attention is essentially the practice of medical tourism. Low-cost procedures that are available in other countries is what cctv singaporemost patients are looking for. A surgical procedure in another country could be 50 percent less expensive than it is in the US. This is good news for people who do not have insurance to help cover their medical bills.  According to reviews, the countries that service. About 100 hospitals have already gained JCI certification.  Most hospitals outside the US alsoaranteed that the arrangements for the trip as well cctv singaporeas the operation are well taken care of.  These companies are very helpful in providing information about the procedure the customer’s interested in. They inform their clients of the numerous options available to them. When it comes to finding a suitable destination for medical travel, medical tourism companies can also be relied upon. They match a destination with the kind of procedure their client needs. A client looking to get cosmetic work done would most likely be advised to travel to Brazil, as Brazil is very famous for having the best plastic surgeons. These agencies also help their customers with the budgeting. They inform the client of other expenses besides the actual cost of the procedure. Also, they save their clients the trouble of finding a suitable doctor to perform the operation.   Author’s Resource BoxWant to know more? Find out more about Cosmetic Surl